
Last Updated: June 15, 2023

Mekong School Digital Library or MSDL in short is an online digital library application (referred to as “MSDL Platform”) run by The Mekong School at Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai 57140, Thailand to provide access to documents, media, and data on the life, sustainability, and culture in and around the Mekong River Basin. MSDL is also a community of its Readers, content creators and curators, and network of partner organizations, referred as ‘Users’ who create, curate, and use MSDL’s content.

The Privacy Policy describes how Mekong School, and its affiliates (“we”, “us”, or “Mekong School”), process personal information in relation to your use of the MSDL platform.

1. Definitions

User/ Community: A User is a human entity or an organization who is using MSDL Platform/ App/ API as registered or guest user. A User may have one or more roles as Readers, Submitters (Content Creators), Publishers, Content Reviewer/ Moderators in MSDL.

Platform: The term platform refers to the combination of the physical Applications such as website, Android, and iOS Apps, its content, services, and community of Users/ Readers, Content Creators, and partner organizations.

Cookie: Cookie refers to small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser.

2. Personal Information We Collect

We collect personal information about you when you use the MSDL Platform. Without the personal information, we may not be able to provide some services from MSDL. Such information includes:

2.1 Information Needed to Use the MSDL Platform:

2.1.1 Contact, Account, and Profile Information: MSDL stores your personal information such as your first name, last name, phone number, postal address, email address, and profile photo, preferred language(s), and your location(s) such as province and country, if you sign up in MSDL.

2.2.2 Search history: Stores and maintains search history of registered Users to show you search history. The search history records may include search terms you have used and the corresponding search results.

2.2 Information You Consented to Give Us:

2.2.1 Optional Profile Information: We also collect your social media handles.

2.2.2 Preferences: MSDL also stores the bookmarks for Authors (contributors), subjects or keywords (tags), and publishers (organizations) for the registered Users. Based on this information, MSDL may send you notifications such as alerts and periodic emails on the updates on your preferences.

2.1.3 Site visits: Collects and stores your visit to sites and your usage of different MSDL Resources. This feature enables the Users who have registered in MSDL to get the view history in MSDL. If you disable the optional cookie, the site will not collect and store your site visit history.

2.1.4 Log Data and Device Information: We shall also collect and store how you have used the MSDL platform, including IP address, access dates and times, hardware and software information, device information, device event information, unique identifiers, and crash data.

3. How Msdl Uses Information Collected

3.1 Deliver Services and Improvise the MSDL Experience: We use this information to:

a. Understand the shortcomings in MSDL information architecture and improvise the same.

b. Improve the speed of response to help you get your preferred search results and resources.

c. Improve the quality of predictive and auto-suggestion of search results.

d. Perform required debugging of MSDL Apps.

e. Send you alerts and notifications.

3.2 Communications with You:

a. We may use the contact details provided by you to communicate with you and understand your engagement in MSDL for different roles – for example, as Submitter (e.g., Content Creator) of Resources, Moderators or Reviewer of content submitted by the community, request for copyright permission for enabling access to the content for MSDL community.

b. Responding to your request for specialized data and content that you may need for your research and survey purposes. Such data and content may exist in MSDL Apps or need to collate and prepare before sharing with you.

c. Responding to your reporting of bugs or non-availability of access to specific resource(s) in MSDL Apps through email or other appropriate means.

d. Responding to your review and feedback of the resource(s) published in MSDL Apps.

4. Information You Publish In Your Profile, Content, Feedback, And Reviews

MSDL Apps provide its community with options to make their profile, resources, review, and feedback public and shareable with the rest of the MSDL Community. Your content along with your profile link and details will be visible to the MSDL community and larger audiences over the internet.

5. Managing Your Information

5.1 Data Erasure:

You can choose to delete your profile. However, deleting your profile will not remove the content including the resources you have submitted or curated or published in MSDL.

5.2 Profile Update :

You shall be able to update most of the details of your profile, including your name, profile photo, biography, affiliations, and social media handles.

6. Security

While no organization can guarantee perfect security, we are continuously implementing and updating administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your information against unlawful or unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration.

7. Changes To This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time in accordance with applicable law. If we do so, we will post the revised Privacy Policy and update the “Last Updated” date at the top. In case of material changes, we will also provide you with notice of the modification by email at least thirty (30) days before the effective date. If you disagree with the revised Privacy Policy, you can cancel your Account. If you do not cancel your Account before the date the revised Privacy Policy becomes effective, your continued access to or use of the MSDL Platform will be subject to the revised Privacy Policy.

8. Contact Information And Responsible Entities

For questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or Mekong School’s handling of personal information contact The Mekong School, Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai 57140, Thailand or by emailing us at library@mekongschoo.org.
